Archive for április, 2007

Giardia cysts in human stool

Indication Abdominal cramps Constrictive intermittent abdominal discomfort resulting from the spasm of an internal organ. Abnormal sperm morphology Sperm with a double tail or no tail; a sperm head that is crooked, has double heads, or is too large.

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Abscess tooth A contained collection of liquefied tissue known as pus reacting as a defense to foreign material.

Absentmindedness Preoccupation so great that the ordinary insistence on attention is avoided.


Abuse trauma Trauma caused by being intentionally harmed or injured by another person. Ache Pain identifyed by persistent and usually limited intensity. Acid reflux A chronic digestive disease occurring when stomach acid or content flows back into the food pipe irritating the lining of the esophagus.

Acidosis Excess acid in the body due to the accumulation of acid or the depletion of alkaline reserves. Acne A common skin disease új generációs féreggyógyszer by pimples that surface when pores of the skin become clogged.

giardia cysts in human stool

Acromegaly Excess growth hormone production in the anterior pituitary gland after puberty. Actinic keratosis A small rough reddish colored spot on the skin that comes from too much sun exposure. Addison's disease A long-term endocrine disorder in which the adrenal glands do not produce enough steroid hormones. Adrenal fatigue A decrease in the adrenal gland's ability produce a diversity of hormones essential to life, commonly caused by chronic stress.

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Age spots Flat tan, brown, or black spots that vary in size that usually appear on the face, hands, shoulders and arms.

Agitation A feeling of restlessness associated with increased motor activity. AIDS or HIV A disease in which there is a severe loss of the body' cellular immunity, greatly lowering the resistance to infection and malignancy. Alcohol addiction The frequent intake of large amounts of alcohol, commonly noted by the impairment of regular functioning.

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Alertness A measure of being mentally keen, active, and rapidly aware of one's environment. Alkalosis Uncommonly high alkalinity of blood and body fluids. Allergies insect A hypersensitive reaction to an insect allergen. Allergies pet dander An overreaction of the immune system to ordinarily giardia cysts in human stool pet dander resulting in skin rash, sneezing or wheezing. Allergies respiratory Uncommon reactions of the respiratory system that arise in response to otherwise inoffensive substances.

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Alzheimer's disease A progressive neurological disease that destroys memory and other important mental functions. Amenorrhea Women who have missed at least three menstrual periods in a row, as do girls who haven't begun mentruation by age Amnesia A partial or total loss of memory.

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Anemia A condition in which there is an unusually low number of red blood cells in the bloodstream. Aneurysm Excessive localized enlargement or ballooning of an artery caused by a weakening of the artery wall. Anger A strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility.

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Angina A condition marked by severe pain in the chest caused by an inadequate giardia cysts in human stool supply to the heart. Ankylosing spondylitis AS An inflammatory arthritis affecting the spine and large joints.

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Anorexia An emotional disorder characterized by an obsessive desire to lose weight a kerek féreg jelei az emberi testben refusing to eat. Anosmia Loss of the sense of smell, usually caused by a nasal condition or brain injury.

Debra L. Conversely, while adult cats often have different and more chronic causes of diarrhea than kittens, the condition remains a common reason for cats to be presented to veterinarians for care. This review discusses some of the more common causes as well as the best approaches for diagnosis and treatment of diarrhea in kittens and cats. The role of diet in diagnosis and therapy of diarrhea is considered when appropriate. Diarrhea in kittens may range in severity from mild and self-limiting to a severe, hemorrhagic, life-threatening condition.

Anthrax A rare but serious bacterial illness typically affecting livestock but can be spread to humans affecting the intestines, skin, or lungs. Anxiety A mental health disorder characterized by feelings of worry, nervousness, or fear that are strong enough to interfere with one's daily activities.


Apathy A lack of, absence, indifference, or suppression of emotion. Appetite loss of Absence of the desire to eat. Appetite overactivate Excessive feelings of hunger.

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Arrhythmia An irregularity in the strength or rhythm of the heartbeat. Arteriosclerosis A chronic disease involving the thickening and hardening of the walls of the arteries, occurring typically in old age. Arthritic pain Inflammation and stiffness of the joints followed by pain, and swelling that can worsen with age.

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Arthritis reactive A chronic form of arthritic joint pain and swelling triggered by an infection. Asthma A respiratory condition characterized by spasms in the bronchi of the lungs, giardia cysts in human stool difficulty in breathing.

Typically results from an allergic reaction or other forms of hypersensitivity.

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Ataxia Loss of the full control to coordinate bodily muscular movement. Atherosclerosis The increase of a waxy plaque on the inside of blood vessels. Athlete's foot A fungus infection that typically begins between the toes in which the skin starts cracking and peeling away, becoming itchy and sore.